Most modern artists want to create societal changes that will successfully alter the human condition. It started in the first decades of the twentieth century and comes in many different forms. Modern art does not only include paintings and sculptures but also photos, films, graphic designs, installations, performance shows and much more. It’s this wide variety of mediums that can make a huge impact. Especially when combined with today’s possibilities of sharing art through innovative channels the internet has to offer, art has huge potential.
Modern Art Scandals
Generally speaking, modern art scandals are not so much different from scandals that involve more traditional forms of art. First of all, stealing expensive pieces of art is still a common phenomenon. The black market for collectibles and art is huge. Therefore, it is perceived as quite a lucrative business amongst criminals. For example, here you can read about a $110 million Paris modern art heist that happened back in 2010. Unfortunately, there are many more cases like this one, although, in most of them, pieces of lower value are involved. However, the good thing about scandals like this is that they get a lot of media attention. This can be beneficial to introduce the broad population into the field of modern art.
Where to buy
Probably you will ask yourself what the best place is to buy some amazing modern art pieces. The world famous auction Barnebys belongs to the most reliable sellers. If you visit Barnebys.co.uk you can have a look at their outstanding selection. Even if you do not intend to buy anything, it can be fun to check out interesting pieces while comfortably sitting at your own home. However, if you do intend to buy something, you will love to hear that they offer different secure payment and delivery methods. Another great thing about it is that they do not offer brilliant pieces of art but also other items like furniture, books or wine. Another great option is to buy a unique piece directly from the artist you admire.